Category: General  /  Created: 01/18/2019 04:54:15  /  Modified: 01/18/2019 05:11:03

    Big Data Analytics weds Lean Six Sigma

    Mr & Mrs. Datum request the honor of your virtual presence at the marriage of their production  

    Big Data Analytics to Lean Six Sigma on Sunday-January 20, 2019 at 10 am.

    Venue: My Laptop

    Reception to be followed by reviews and feedbacks.

    Let me first introduce you to the groom Lean Six Sigma, due to its very nature of fighting the evils in the process and by protecting the process family through RACs, CAPs, hypothesis testing, statistical process control, Lean Six Sigma is an ideal choice as a groom.

    The Big Data Analytics is the bride – the beauty with brains and loads of money, stunning visual reports, lots of insights, it’s colorful and innovative. IDC expects the Big Data Analytics market to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11.7 % and to reach $203 billion in 2020.

    Wedding Speech

    For those who don’t know me yet. My name is Datum and I am the Best Man for this wedding.

    I have waited long for this moment and would love to share a few personality traits for the bride and the groom and what got them hitched.

               Lean Six Sigma (LSS)

               Big Data Analytics (BDA)

    ·         It’s a systematic approach to eliminate defects and improve the process

    ·         It examines large amounts of data to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and other insights, eg: customers who buy this, may also like this, classifying emails, social media content as positive or negative, etc.

    ·         Validates measurement System

    ·         Assumes data to be good

    ·         Structured process framework

    ·         Framework yet to be designed

    ·         Small sample size to drive conclusions

    ·         Almost population size data available

    ·         Doesn't necessarily have to solve a problem that quickly and with that large dataset

    ·         Can quickly gather large data set and analyze in real-time


    Did you notice anything in common between them? Let’s find out

    What got them hitched?

    “Jab Big Data Analytics met Lean Six Sigma”, no, this not a sequel to the flopped SRK-Anushka starrer “Jab Harry met Sejal”, ours is a hit Jodi. The first contact between them happened while finding the root cause of defects in the process. Big Data impressed Lean Six Sigma during the analyze and the improve phase by its ability to identify root causes and propose robust solutions real-time, whereas Lean Six Sigma showed off its skills by providing a structured framework that can help in mapping improvement to the result achieved from Big Data Analytics and it clinched the relationship by promising lifetime support to Big Data in designing controls to ensure continual improvement; this is missing in the Big Data Analytics world.

    Few of their common traits are – Exploratory data analysis, Correlation, Regression modeling.

    Six Sigma tools such as fishbone, affinity diagrams can be easily replaced by powerful Big Data/Machine learning techniques, such as clustering and categorization.

    Through Big Data, we have almost the entire population data available to draw multiple inferences quickly, instead of a small sample size available in Six Sigma approach giving results in a tortoise-like labored manner.

    For Lean Six Sigma, we rely on people's expertise and tools to find solutions based on small sample size; however, with the help of Big Data Analytics, we can now rely more upon what the actual population data is telling us.

    Now, please join me in welcoming the bride and the groom to exchange wedding vows.

    Wedding Vows

    "I, Lean Six Sigma, take thee, Big Data Analytics, to be my partner, to have and to support, from this day forward, for better, for process, for individuals, for companies, for communities, to continue fighting defects in a process and to cherish improvements, till technology do us part, and thereto I pledge myself to you."


    A free licensed copy of Minitab18 and Hadoop for all the participants…..excited, don't’s a virtual offer like the weddingJ

    Blessed Future

    Technology moves at breakneck speed. Every day the world creates 2.5 quintillions (1018) bytes of data, according to figures from IBM. That’s a lot of data.

    Future is in analyzing defects and improving the process through integration between Big Data Analytics and Lean Six Sigma methodologies.

    This affiliation will continue to evolve at the same speed as data itself, and the relationship between the two will shape our future. The successful integration of both will give birth to Data Magicians,

    An ever-changing future that is designed, developed, deployed, implemented and preserved by Data Magicians. It is no less than magic to crunch and munch a huge amount of raw data, analyze, improve and innovate it to make our life easier and more enjoyable.

    Best wishes to Lean Six Sigma and Big Data Analytics on this wonderful journey, as they strive to build a better future for us.

                    Husain Mohamadunny

                          Tomorrow I’ll miss you